I guess God has really been teaching me about fear and wisdom. I'm not talking about the spiders, elevators, sharks, roaches, lightning, thunder, clowns (shudder) kind of fear, but rather the kind of fear the shows respect. We learned in girls Bible study last nght about Abraham and Isaac, and here are the three things I want to share with you.
1. First, I'd like to point out how funny God is. Isaac means laughter, because Sarah laughed when He told her she would have a child in her "advanced age." I just think thats hilarious-God can use our doubt and turn it into humor. I mean, he allows Bama fans to run around right-now THATS humor. But I digress...
2. Abraham followed God's command to sacrifice his son, because he feared God and had faith that God would do what He had promised (bless the nations through his decendants, i.e., Jesus). That faith is so amazing! How could a man give up his "only son that he loves so much" and have faith that God would deliver Him? Doesn't that paint the greatest picture of salvation? God gave us his only son that he loves so much in sacrifice to fulfill His promise to us.
3. All of this to say, I want to be the kind of woman who fears the Lord enough to give it all up to fulfull His promise. I dont want to doubt that He has great plans for me...I want to be fearful and wise! How cool is that!
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